

Interesting facts about human body :

> Men lose about 40 hairs in a day and women lose 70 hairs in a day.
> Your blood has same amount of salts in it as an ocean has.
> You are taller in the morning than you are at night.
> Heart circulates blood in your body about 1000 times each day.
> Eyelashes last about 150 days.
> There are 500 hairs in an eyebrow.
> The average human body contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells.
> It is not possible to sneeze with open eyes.
> Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete.
> Average life span of a taste bud is only 10 days.
> You are born without knee caps and they don’t appear until age of 2 to 6 years.
> Children grow faster in springtime
> Eyes stay the same size throughout life but nose and ears never stop growing.
> We born with 300 bones but end up with
206 bones when we are adult.
> Human skull is made up of 26 different bones.
> Hair is made of same substance as fingernails.
> Our entire body functions stop when we sneeze, even your heart beat.
> Tongue is the strongest muscle in human body.
> Typical person goes to bathroom six times a day.
> Food takes 7 seconds to reach stomach from mouth.
> Children have more taste buds than adults.
> Sneeze blows air out of nose at the speed of 100 miles per hour.
> Largest muscle in your body is one on which you are sitting on.
> Smallest bone of body is in ears.



1. Always take time for yourself, at least 30 minutes per day.

2. Be aware of your own stress meter: Know when to step back and cool down.

3. Concentrate on controlling your own situation, without controlling
everybody else.

4. Daily exercise will burn off the stress chemicals.

5. Eat lots of fresh fruit, veggies, bread and water, give your body the best for it to perform at its best.

6. Forgive others, don't hold grudges and be tolerant -- not everyone is as capable as you.

7. Gain perspective on things, how important is the issue?

8. Hugs, kisses and laughter: Have fun and don't be afraid to share your feelings with others.

9. Identify stressors and plan to deal with them better next time.

10. Judge your own performance realistically; don't set goals out of your own reach.

11. Keep a positive attitude, your outlook will influence outcomes and the way others treat you.

12. Limit alcohol, drugs and other stimulants, they affect your perception and behaviour.

13. Manage money well, seek advice and save at least 10 per cent of what you earn.

14. No is a word you need to learn to use without feeling guilty.

15. Outdoor activities by yourself, or with friends and family, can be a great way to relax.

16. Play your favourite music rather than watching television.

17. Quit smoking: It is stressing your body daily, not to mention killing you too.

18. Relationships: Nurture and enjoy them, learn to listen more and talk less.

19. Sleep well, with a firm mattress and a supportive pillow; don't overheat yourself and allow plenty of ventilation.

20. Treat yourself once a week with a massage, dinner out, the movies: Moderation is the key.

21. Understand things from the other person's point of view.

22. Verify information from the source before exploding.

23. Worry less, it really does not get things completed better or quicker.

24. Xpress: Make a regular retreat to your favourite space, make holidays part of your yearly plan and budget.

25. Yearly goal setting: Plan what you want to achieve based on your priorities in your career, relationships, etc.

26. Zest for life: Each day is a gift, smile and be thankful that you are a part of the bigger picture


Beware Black Henna 

Black Henna is a dangerous chemical. Natural Henna should be applied and left on for 2-8 hours and give an orange/red/brown stain. If your henna looks black, and gives an instant stain, it is NOT REAL HENNA! Black Henna can cause terrible scarring.

This warning comes from the FDA, which has been receiving reports of serious and long lasting reactions to black henna, the dye sometimes used for some temporary tattoos. Adverse reactions reported to the agency include redness, blisters, raised red weeping lesions, loss of skin pigmentation, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and even permanent scarring. The reactions can develop immediately after getting a temporary tattoo or up to two or three weeks later. Not everyone who gets these tattoos is affected. “Black henna” is often substituted for traditional red henna (which has been safely used for centuries) to create darker and longer-lasting tattoos. In addition to reactions to black henna, you should be aware that some inks sold as black henna may be combinations of red henna plus coal-tar hair dye containing p-phenylenediamine (PPD), an ingredient known to sometimes cause dangerous skin reactions. Sometimes, tattoo artists may use a PPD-containing hair dye alone. By law, PPD is not permitted in cosmetics intended to be applied to the skin. States have jurisdiction over tattoo parlors and regulations differ from state to state (some may not have any regulations). If you develop a reaction to a temporary tattoo, see your doctor and also report the reaction to the FDA’s MedWatch program at 1-800-FDA-1088.


9 Qualities Of Truly Confident People

1. They take a stand not because they think they are always right… but because they are not afraid to be wrong.

2. They listen ten times more than they speak.

3. They duck the spotlight so it shines on others.

4. They freely ask for help.

5. They think, “Why not me?”.

6. They don't put down other people.

7. They aren’t afraid to look silly.

8. They only seek approval from the people who really matter.

9. And they own their mistakes.


Some unbelievable and interesting facts.
1. If you are struck by lightning, your skin will be heated to 28,000 degrees Centigrade, hotter than the surface of the Sun.
2. If you trace your family tree back 25 generations, you will have 33,554,432 direct ancestors – assuming no incest was involved.
3. The average distance between the stars in the sky is 20 million miles.
4. It would take a modern spaceship 70,000 years to get to the nearest star to earth.
5. An asteroid wiped out every single dinosaur in the world, but not a single species of toad or salamander was affected. No one knows why, nor why the crocodiles and tortoises survived.
6. If you dug a well to the centre of the Earth, and dropped a brick in it, it would take 45 minutes to get to the bottom – 4,000 miles down.
7. Your body sheds 10 billion flakes of skin every day.
8. The Earth weighs 6,500 million million million tons.
9. Honey is the only food consumed by humans that doesn't go off.
10. The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.